Step 1. Go to Template, click on Edit HTMLStep 2. Click anywhere inside the code area and try to find - using CTRL + F keys - this tag:
Step 3. Just above it, paste the following code:
<script src=''/>
$(function() {
function highlight(){
.css('border', '1px solid #FFA500')
.css('background','#F1F1F2 url("")')
.css('color', '#444444')
.css('font-size', '12px')
.css('padding', '10px');
$(document).bind('ready scroll click', highlight);
Customizing the Author Comments:
The line marked in orange represents the border's style.
What it can be done:
- 1px - you can increase the value to change the border's thickness
- solid - change the border's style to dotted, dashed, inset, outset etc.
- #FFA500 - this is the border's color value, change it with your own color
The line marked in blue represents the background's style. You can use a plain color or an image. By default there's a combination of both (a white transparent image with a gray plain color).
To change/add:
- a different color: replace the #F1F1F2 value with your own (use this tool to find the hex code of your desired color)
- an image: replace the defaul url http://URL with that of your image
Font Color:
To change the font's color, replace the #444444 color value in green with your own. (you can use this tool to find the hex code of your desired color)
Font Size:
Modify the value in red by increasing/decreasing the "12" value in order to change the size of text.
Step 4. Now Save your Template.
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